- To enhance students' four skills in English language.
- To enhance students' confidence and interest in learning English.
- To build students' English foundation.
- To establish students' healthy lifestyle through cultivating their healthy life attiitude.
Major Development Focuses of the Year
- To enhance students' problem solving, analyzing and evaluation skills.
- To enhance students' self-learning abilities and arouse students' learning interest and cultivate their autonomy learning.
- To develop teachers' professionalism in e-learning through training and teachers' professional sharing.
English Activities
Whole Year
- English Ambassadors
- Recess Activity
- Cambridge Preparation course
- Campus TV
- Interactive Games (English Fun, ilongman)
- Creative English Scheme
September to October
Hong Kong Schools Chinese and English Penmanship Competition
PLPR/W Parents’ workshop
November to February
- Secondary School Interview Training
- Hong Kong Speech Festival
- Christmas Celebration
- Poster Design Competition (Theme: Christmas)
January to February
- Chinese New Year Celebration
- Reading Camp
April to May
- Campus TV
- SOW Creativity Contest
Dictionary Skills Competition